Trail Braking

Advanced riding techniques come with additional risk. Trail braking is a concept that many new riders are interested in, but new riders should focus on practicing the fundamentals. If you were new to learning arithmetic, you wouldn’t start with algebra, you would start with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, and move on only when your fundamentals were strong. You should do the same with learning to ride a motorcycle. But when you’re ready to move on, here’s an overview of trail braking.

Trail Braking: This is a more advanced technique used to maintain speed and control through corners. It involves applying the brakes all the way to the apex of the turn and then gradually releasing them as you exit the turn. It’s a delicate balance between braking and maintaining enough speed to keep the bike stable. This technique not only improves control and balance but also teaches you how to manage traction and momentum under more aggressive riding conditions.

Trail braking requires a good understanding of your motorcycle’s braking capabilities, as well as your own skills and limits. It’s typically used in racing but can be beneficial for any rider looking to improve their cornering skills, particularly on twisty roads or in situations that require sudden changes in direction.

Here are some key points for practicing trail braking:

  1. Start Slow: Begin by practicing at lower speeds until you’re comfortable with the balance between braking and maintaining momentum.
  2. Braking Point: Initiate braking earlier than you normally would, gently applying both front and rear brakes as you approach a corner.
  3. Entering the Corner: As you enter the corner, gradually release the brakes while simultaneously leaning into the turn. The goal is to shift from braking to using throttle through the apex.
  4. Exit Strategy: By the time you reach the apex of the turn, you should be off the brakes and smoothly applying the throttle to exit the corner.

Because trail braking is an advanced technique that involves a fine balance of speed, braking, and lean angle, it’s crucial to practice it in a safe, controlled environment, preferably under the guidance of a skilled instructor. Additionally, always ensure you are fully geared up and aware of your surroundings to safely execute this technique. As with any advanced riding skill, the key to mastering trail braking is gradual, consistent practice.






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