Category: Novice

  • Slow Speed Motorcycle Practice

    Improving motorcycle control and balance is crucial for both new and experienced riders. Here are some exercises that are often recommended: Slow Riding: Practicing riding your motorcycle as slowly as possible helps improve your balance and throttle control. This is often done by slowly releasing the clutch and gently applying throttle to move at walking…

  • No Motorcycles Parked Outside…

    The old adage goes something like this… “You never see a motorcycle parked outside a psychiatrist’s office” Riding a motorcycle can be a powerful way to combat depression, offering a unique combination of physical, mental, and emotional benefits. Here’s an exploration of how motorcycle riding can help in battling the blues:

  • Mental Preparation for the Motorcycle Tests

    Preparing for your ICBC motorcycle road test involves a combination of mental preparation, practice, and familiarization with the test procedures. Here are some tips to help you mentally prepare: Understand the Test Format: Research and familiarize yourself with the ICBC motorcycle road test format, procedures, and scoring criteria. Knowing what to expect can help ease…

  • Preparing to Ride

    Motorcycles represent freedom, exhilaration, and a connection to the open road that few other vehicles can match. For many, the idea of riding one is both thrilling and intimidating. If you’re about to embark on your first ride, here’s what you should know to ensure it’s a memorable and safe experience. Throttle: Located on the…

  • The ICBC Motorcycle Skills Test

    The ICBC (Insurance Corporation of British Columbia) Motorcycle Skills Test (MST) is a crucial step for those wishing to obtain a motorcycle license in British Columbia, Canada. Here’s a rundown: Always refer to ICBC’s official resources or contact an ICBC office for the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding the MST and the motorcycle licensing…

  • The ICBC Motorcycle Road Test

    Passing the ICBC motorcycle road test requires demonstrating good riding habits. You must be able to safely and confidently operate a motorcycle in various traffic situations. To prepare for and pass the test, follow these steps:

  • Choosing The Right Motorcycle

    Your Perfect Match Awaits Whether you’re a seasoned rider or new to the world of two wheels, finding the perfect motorcycle can be both exciting and overwhelming. With numerous brands, styles, and functionalities available, how do you pinpoint the one that’s right for you? Here’s a guide to help you ride off into the sunset…